Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

My First Experience in Cangkuang Temple
         Cangkuang temple a Hindu temple located in Kampung Pulo, in the village Cangkuang of the District Leles, Garut, West Java. Cangkuang temple layout is quite unique because it is located on a small hilltop surrounded by a lake namely Situ or Cangkuang. Our house with Cangkuang temple not too far because it is in an area. Here's a picture of the village pulo :


            I set out from home to Cangkuang  temple 10:00 am Idul Fitri last year with cousin sister named desi, vira, rahma, amel. We went to the Cangkuang temple ride motorcycles. when he got there we immediately went into the area. To reach the Cangkuang temple we had to take a small raft past the lake. This is the picture when we boarded the raft towards the Cangkuang temple.

           Cangkuang temple area, there are many vendors of souvenirs diverse. I bought some for me to take it to Trenggalek regency. Our next break in the temple as he took a few pictures and this one :


            Our home at 2:00 pm and ride the raft towards the entrance, then we take our motorcycle parked earlier.

            That's my experience in the Cangkuang  temple. If you have time visit the relics of a time long ago.

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